Working Group 2

DEI - Diversity, Equality and Inclusion

Working Group 2 will promote the effective application of DEI principles and values to EU-LAC cooperation on digital transformation. The discussions will enhance understanding of the capabilities needed to integrate an intersectional gender dimension into R&I content, such as assessing research design, expertise, or other support for research teams in the digital ecosystems of LAC and Europe.


Our members

María F. Cabrera

Innovation Director, Life Supporting Technologies

Lidia Żakowska

Full Professor, Cracow University of Technology

Olmán Madrigal

Interuniversity Planning, OLaP – Conare

Fannella Giusti

Institute of Women’s Studies, National University

Kemly Camacho

Researcher, Sula Batsu Cooperative and UCR

Nina Rilla

Senior Scientist in Ethics and Responsibility of Innovations, VTT

Yolanda Ursa

Director of Innovation Management, INMARK

Liisa Ketolainen

Gender Equality Expert, Digital for Development (D4D) Hub

Juan Carlos Echevarría

Digital Culture Director, Ministry of Telecom of Ecuador

Ayanna Samuels

Doctoral Research Fellow, Oslo Metropolitan University

Yolanda Rother

Founder, The Impact Company

Tania Altamirano

Academic Relations Manager, RedCLARA

Silvia Kochen

Secretary and founder, RAGCyT

Alejandra Davidziuk

Outreach Manager, The BrainLat Institute UAI

Cristina López

Researcher at LifeSTech, UPM

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